Private sector

Passive recruiting method – Target the right candidates at the right time!

As an employer, finding the right talent takes time and effort and often, it can result in frustration. When you need someone to fit a specific role, you want to make sure you find the right person which is achieved through our passive recruiting method. The stats do not lie when it comes to recruiting as 72% of businesses struggle to find the perfect candidate. Along with this, 86% of suitable candidates are not actively looking, which means that those recruiting, and candidates can quite easily miss each other.

Now is the time to make something happen

One of the main challenges of recruiting is reaching the right audience and with job boards just servicing the active market, this presents a problem.

So, to overcome this problem of missing out on the right candidates and not reaching the perfect audience, we have come up with a passive recruiting method that is proven to work.

A lot of people are passive job seekers. These are people who are currently in employment but are not actively looking for a job, yet if the right job came along then they would consider it. This proves that companies should not only focus on active job seekers but should also target passive job seekers, through a passive recruiting method, as this is where the real talent is hiding.

For too long, employers have been focused on only those who show an active interest in finding a new job. However, there is an entire population of passive job seekers out there who are waiting for the right job to come along. When 86% of the global workforce consists of passive job seekers, how can employers ignore them?

How Do We Do It?

We utilise technology that covers the entire internet and that means that we can reach passive job seekers, where they spend their time.

This is all about being in the right place at the right time and our technology achieves this perfectly. We actively monitor and analyse the behaviours of passive [and active] job seekers, helping employers reach highly sought-after talent. We pull in data from everywhere, such as social media profiles, who they follow, their interests, who they work for, what industry, Google searches, the sites they visit, the news stories they read and much more. This is an innovative approach allows us to pinpoint your target audiences like never before.

How Does it Work?

Employers come to us and provide us with the job or jobs that they want to advertise. Once the campaign has been confirmed, the ads are selected and then distributed using the most relevant channels. Our AI technology constantly tests, checks and adapts to ensure that job ads are fully optimised and are at peak performance.

At this point, we are then able to gain the attention of passive job seekers. As we cover 90% of all websites and a range of online platforms, we quickly get your job noticed. We make passive job seekers aware of your position and even if they do not act upon first seeing the job advert, we make sure that we remind them through retargeting. We then turn passive job seekers into candidates.

A Simplified and Efficient Application Process

Using Lead Boost, we can streamline the entire application process for both candidates and employers. Fast application within apps is simple for candidates while it is possible for employers to ask relevant questions, all of which helps to move the process along. Crucial for passive candidates.

Look at Recruiting in a Different Way

The truth is, the world of recruitment has changed. Employers are missing out on the best talent because they are choosing to use tried and tested methods that no longer achieve the right results.

At Socially Recruited, we believe that employers have the right to the very best talent, and we make that possible. Our tech is innovative, industry-leading and it gets results.

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