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Meet the next generation, early-years and their next steps

There’s a lot to consider when you’re leaving secondary school, what are the next steps, who am I going to be, what do I want to achieve, where will I go, how do I get there? The world is too big and the decisions we make at 17-years-old feel like life or death. However, there are so many solutions to soften the decision-making struggles. Platforms like Socially Recruited educate early-year job seekers in an accessible, user-friendly manner. Understanding them, and approaching carefully, though channels they use for fun on a daily basis.

To understand more, hear from a few students in this scary, yet exciting, chapter of their lives…

Kezia, 17. Year 12 student at St Michael's Catholic College.

What's your favourite social media channel?

My favourite social media channels are TikTok and Instagram. I enjoy these two apps as i believe they are very helpful at passing important information in an entertaining way, helping me retain it for future needs.

What are you aspiring to be?

I’m aspiring to work in the finance industry. I’ve always had a strong passion for Maths. I believe the finance industry is the best place for me to utilise my skills.

What are you looking for now you're coming to the end of your school days?

I’m now looking for either a high-level degree apprenticeship or universities in London to complete a finance or economics course. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram have greatly influenced my decision on whether to take an apprenticeship or go university. I believe these platforms give you a realistic insight on what the future holds with both options. And as of now I’m gravitating towards going to university and doing an internship, so i can get both the education and the hands-on experience.

What puts you off applying to a job?

The high unrealistic expectations that employers have. It is ironic that they only want to employ individuals with experience yet will not give us the opportunity to gain the experience.

Annabelle, 17. Year 12 student at St Michael's Catholic College.

What's your favourite social media channel?

YouTube and TikTok as the content is informative and entertaining.

What are you aspiring to be?

I’m interested in a finance related career, more specifically accountancy as I enjoy statistics and economics, and I feel that accountancy allows me to put the skills from these subjects to the test.

What are you looking for now you're coming to the end of your school days?

During my later school years, I’ve learned a lot of information about finance-related apprenticeships through school and online resources, for example, TikTok and YouTube. The good thing about these resources is that they’ve motivated me to join a finance apprenticeship as opposed to university as I feel this will be better suited to me.

What puts you off applying to a job?

The main thing that puts me off a job is unrealistic expectations set by employers because when you are lacking in experience, the requirements are unattainable. Another thing that puts me off is when the application process is lengthy and not straightforward, as it makes me feel stressed and change my mind about applying.

Rhys, 20. Final Year University of Leeds Student.

What's your favourite social media channel?

TikTok and Instagram I would say are my favourite social media channels, I definitely use them the most… I don’t even want to know what my screen time is!

What are you aspiring to be?

I’m am hoping to find a entry-level role in computer sciences or digital intelligence. My degree is in physics and computer science so I would like to put it to good use.

What are you looking for now you're coming to the end of your school days?

I am more confident in what I’m seeking now I’m coming out of my education, towards the start of my degree I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted or how I would even find a role in the field I’m working in, but I’ve been educated through a lot of online content helping me understand my options and what is actually out there. I really would like a role that helps me progress and continue my professional and person development, but also able to offer me as much as I believe I can offer them. One thing is for sure though, I am looking for a full time position and not an apprentice-role. Which if you asked me 4 years ago, I would not be saying that!

What puts you off applying to a job?

The only thing that comes to mind when you ask that, is simply long, exhausting application process that ask similar questions to what you would already find in my CV or simple questions you’d find out in a-face-to-face interview. I find some applications so time consuming, which really does put me off because it not only makes things difficult for me as the applicant but also surely it is over-working the company itself?

Maximillian, 21. Final Year University of Sheffield Student.

What's your favourite social media channel?

My favourite social media channel is Instagram, it’s a great way to keep up with my friends and family – especially as I’m away at university.

What are you aspiring to be?

I’m aspiring to be happy in my job, I think my passion lies with Strategy Consulting or Private Equity – if you are passionate about what you are doing, happiness follows!

What are you looking for now you're coming to the end of your school days?

I’ve already got my graduate job secured, following an internship I completed in my second year of university. But when I was searching, I used various recruitment platforms, but something I really needed to be aware of was the company culture, the experience people have in the department I am going to be joining, and just general employee satisfaction.

What puts you off applying to a job?

Mainly poor ratings, any insight to negative culture or lack of industry respect. I research a lot before applying, so companies with clear brand identity, clear brand stories, that’s where I would be gravitating towards the most.

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