Private sector

How to increase school enrolment: 12 Actionable strategies for private schools

Unlike public schools, private schools rely heavily on enrolment fees to keep their doors open. So, administrators need to find practical and effective ways to increase school enrolment and retention rates.

Dive in to learn 12 powerful tactics for increasing enrolment at your private school.

#1: Promote your school’s story and brand

To compete with other educational institutions—whether public, private, or charter schools—make sure people know who you are.

Create promotional materials that highlight your school’s history, including its founding, establishment date, and any notable accomplishments or awards. Showcase your students’ success and share their feedback and impressions. Additionally, communicate your current and future goals so everyone understands the direction you’re heading. And, of course, capture and display eye-catching visuals that feature your school, brand, and logo to boost student enrolment.

#2: Know your audience

Unlike public school enrolment, which is typically determined by the student’s address, the process for private institutions is more complex. It’s crucial to identify who you are targeting with your enrolment campaigns.

To help narrow down your audience, consider asking the following questions:

  • How many children are in the family?
  • Are both parents employed?
  • What is their income level?
  • Are they looking for primary schools or higher education?
  • What are their aspirations? Where do they want to go after graduation?
  • What are the expectations of prospective students and their parents?
  • What can they get from you that public schools and other private schools can’t offer?

Answering these questions will allow you to refine your target audience and craft tailored marketing messages that capture their attention.

#3: Optimise your school’s website

Once you know your audience, it’s time to spruce up your school’s website. Private institutions need a strong online presence, including performing SEO (search engine optimisation). Why? Search engines are powerful at filtering search results. If your website is not optimised, you may struggle to get new students.

However, good SEO is just the beginning. If visitors leave your site quickly, it can negatively impact your ranking. To keep them engaged, include captivating videos and stories from students and teachers. Highlight the extracurricular activities you offer, and ensure your branding and visuals are distinctive and memorable

#4: Build a strong social media presence

Your online presence doesn’t stop with your website. A solid social media base is the best way to build and nurture your school community.  

So, where do you start? Begin by reflecting on what you know about your audience. Think about their interests and where they’re likely to spend time online. Choose your platforms carefully to reach as many students and parents as possible. Keep your branding and school colours consistent across all platforms, and make sure to link your social media accounts to your website. This will help encourage both current and prospective students, as well as their parents, to connect with your school.

Once you’ve chosen your platforms, focus on your content and engagement to keep your page active. Share relevant and interesting posts regularly, and invite your online community to ask questions, leave comments, and share their thoughts about your school.

#5: Make student enrolment easy

Simplifying the enrolment process can give you a significant advantage, especially with busy and overwhelmed parents.

Discuss with your admissions team the possibility of offering online registration and enrolment. If that’s not feasible right now, consider ways to streamline the existing process by eliminating unnecessary steps. You might also attract new students by offering flexible payment options or early-bird discounts. Making the enrolment experience smoother for families can make all the difference.

#6: Keep the parents involved

Once you have their attention, prospective parents need plenty of reassurance. They want to know exactly what their children will be learning and doing at school, how they’ll be informed of their progress, and the types of events they and their children can participate in. Participating in community events can also be a good way for current families to keep in touch with school staff and each other and foster a sense of belonging.

And, of course, don’t overlook the basics. Offer a comprehensive curriculum that parents can easily access. Have a clear plan for communicating students’ progress and notable daily activities. Meet parents’ needs by offering the option of written, online, or in-person progress reports.

#7: Ask for feedback and use it

Online reviews can make or break your reputation. You may be surprised that 88% of people read online reviews to discover local businesses or service providers. This means that nine out of ten parents will likely seek social proof before enrolling their child in your school. Encourage students and parents to leave testimonials on review sites or Google. You can also showcase their feedback on your website and feature it on social media for greater visibility.

Most importantly, conduct end-of-year surveys to see how happy the students and parents are with your school. You can use their insights to learn about problems and solve them before the next school year.

#8: Organise a school tour

Organising a school tour is an excellent way for prospective families to experience what your school has to offer. Many private schools use this opportunity to showcase their facilities and introduce parents to key staff, teachers, and students.

On-site tours are also a great opportunity for you to see what families like and dislike and to eliminate doubts they may have. Another option is to offer virtual tours on your school website, social media, or YouTube.

Finally, since your goal is to boost student enrolment, be sure to follow up with everyone who participated in your tour.

#9: Create a comprehensive digital marketing Campaign

If you’ve followed the steps above, you now have an optimised school website and a strong social media presence. Now, it’s time to use them to create a digital marketing strategy.

When someone registers on your website, you gain their email address, opening up an additional communication channel for targeted email campaigns. By filtering based on demographics and interests, you can send personalised messages to boost your private school enrolment rates.

A school newsletter is another way to inform subscribers about upcoming events and news. To further enhance your reputation and influence prospective parents, consider starting a school blog.

In addition to other marketing channels, social media marketing can be highly effective. Most students and parents use social media platforms regularly to learn about current events, news, and businesses.

#10: Make every teacher, student, and parent an ambassador

Increasing school enrolment rates is no easy task, so you’ll need all the support you can get. A key factor for potential students and their families is your school’s reputation. If you offer high-quality education, a safe and welcoming environment, and a sense of excitement, your community will naturally help spread the word.

Word of mouth is very powerful. When current students and parents are delighted with your programs, they’re likely to share their positive experiences with family and friends—and they may even leave glowing reviews online, expanding your reach.

Another way to make students proud to be a part of your community and invite others to join is to celebrate their successes publicly. Don’t forget about your teachers either—promote their achievements and support their professional growth, and they’ll become some of your strongest advocates.

#11: Always be transparent

Some private schools might be tempted to cover up problems to protect their public image. It’s important not to fall into this trap and to be honest in all communication.

If current parents have concerns, address them promptly and ensure they feel heard. It’s far better to acknowledge past issues and explain how they were resolved than to risk escalation that could affect your students. Also, if there are major changes at your school, let students, parents, and staff know about them beforehand.

#12: Offer additional programmes and services for students and parents

Prospective students are looking at you to provide an experience they can’t get in public schools or other private schools. Promote your extracurricular activities and exciting events to boost student enrolment. Assign liaisons for parents to open a communication channel for families to stay in the loop and engaged.

Go beyond everyone’s expectations with enrichment programmes, sports events, and social gatherings. Try to provide each student the support they need to move forward in life and their careers.


To keep your private school afloat, you need to attract funds. While there are many strategies to increase enrolment, the process isn’t much different from marketing any other product or service. Begin by understanding what your customers want, then aim to meet and exceed their expectations. And don’t forget to showcase your social proof online. If you find yourself stuck, don’t hesitate to seek advice or assistance from experienced professionals at socially (now branded as Gaia).

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